
Observations of national rarities (*) are accepted by the national RC and those of regional rarities by the North Karelian RC. List below includes observations of rare birds in North Karelia by the end of year 2002. The number of individuals recorded is given in parenthesis after the name of the species.

*Great Northern Diver Gavia immer (2)

All records: April 1990 Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary adult and October 1998 Rääkkylä Vuoniemi adult.

White-billed Diver Gavia adamsii (7)

First bird was found dead in December 1965. After that three birds have been seen in May, one in September and three in October.

Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis (17)

Most records are made in late autumn – early winter, only five in spring and one in summer.

*Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis (1)

One record: broken-winged bird was found in August 1980 in Joensuu Iiksenniitty. Eighth record for Finland.

*Gannet Morus bassanus (2)

All records: October 1987 Rääkkylä Vuoniemi juvenile and November 1989 Rääkkylä Pieni Onkamojärvi juvenile.

*Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax (1)

One record: July-August 1989 in Värtsilä Selkäkylä. Fifth record for Finland.

Great White Egret Egretta alba (9)

The first one in 1983 stayed the whole summer in the province and was seen in three different areas between May and August. Of the other birds eight seen in April-June and one in October.

Black Stork Ciconia nigra (7)

First record August 1975 Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary. In 1983 a bird stayed in the province from May to August. Of the other birds three have been seen in May and three in August.

*Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia (1)

One record: May 1984 Lieksa Siikasuo. Fourth record for Finland

Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis (3)

All records: May 1995 Värtsilä Uusikylä 2 migrating and November 2000 Värtsilä Niirala.

Shelduck Tadorna tadorna (20)

First record 1961 Liperi. One bird seen in August, all the others in spring.

Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea (4)

Two records from the 1970’s: July 1970 Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary and May 1978 Polvijärvi Martonvaara. Next ones seen during a strong invasion in July 1994 in Lieksa Talviaisjärvi and Outokumpu Vuonos.

*Blue-winged Teal Anas discors (1)

One record: May 1987 Värtsilä Sääperi. Third record for Finland.

*Green-winged Teal Anas crecca carolinensis (1)

One record: May 1999 Värtsilä Sääperi.

*American Wigeon Anas americana (4)

All records: May 1998 Liperi Papelonsaari, April 2000 Joensuu Utra and May-June 2001 Tohmajärvi Peijonniemenlahti 2. All birds were males.

*Red-crested Pochrad Netta rufina (4)

All records: April 1994 Ilomantsi Mutalahti, May 1998 Kitee Kiteenjärvi, June 1999 Nurmes Suojärvi and July-September 1999 Kontiolahti Iso-Suopolijärvi.

*Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis (1)

One record: June 1994 Liperi Särkijärvi male.

Eider Somateria mollissima (13)

This seabird is really rare in North Karelia even though is very abundant on Finnish coasts and also breeds on Lake Ladoga in Russia under 100 km away. All birds seen in May.

King Eider Somateria spectabilis (5)

All records: November 1983 Rääkkylä Vuoniemi 2, April 1989 Joensuu Linnunlahti, October 1991 Kitee Päätyenlahti and October 1993 Rääkkylä Vuoniemi.

*Red Kite Milvus milvus (5)

All records: April 1971 Liperi Viinijärvi, May 1992 Värtsilä Uusikylä, May 1994 Kitee Päätyenlahti, May 1995 Värtsilä Uusikylä and April 2002 Kesälahti Särkivaara. Very rare vagrant in Finland with records concentrating on south and south-west coasts.

*Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus (1)

One record: May 1980 Värtsilä Sääperi and obviously the same bird June 1980 Ilomantsi. Fourth record for Finland.

*Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus (3)

First two shot in Lieksa April 1919 and July 1927. June 1999 a bird was seen and photgraphed in Eno Luhtapohja and was later found dead. The bird had been ringed in Israel in the previous winter.

Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus (20)

First breeding in Scandinavia was confirmed in 1933 in Kiihtelysvaara Kummunkylä, where a juvenile male was taken as a pet and later killed. Nowadays seen almost every year. Most of the records are concentrated on a short period in spring from late April to early May. Only a few seen in autumn.

Montague’s Harrier Circus pygargus (12)

Rarer than Pallid Harrier even though is breeding on the west coast and is abundant in Olonets area in Russia only 200 km SE from North Karelia. Like in Pallid Harrier records are concentrated in spring with most birds seen in May.

*Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus (2)

Two records: May 1997 Outokumpu Sysmäjärvi and May 2002 Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary. Second and third record for Finland.

*Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus (1)

One record: August 1996 Kontiolahti Iso-Suopolinjärvi. The species breeds regularly in Olonets area in Russia 200 km SE from North Karelia.

*Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina (15)

First record May 1979 Rääkkylä Ravilahti. Of the records 12 are made in April-May and one in July, September and October each.

*Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga (17)

First record September 1978 Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary. Of the records ten are made in April-May, one in July and six in August-October.

*Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensis (3)

All records: May 1985 Lieksa Aittovaara, April 1988 Värtsilä Sääperi and May 1996 Värtsilä Uusikylä.

Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus (42)

Rare visitor mainly in late spring – early summer, almost all records from mid-May to mid-June. Breeding confirmed in Lieksa in 1885.

*Saker Falco cherrug (1)

One record: April 1992 Kitee Puhos. Only record for Finland. Very rare visitor in Western Europe, but recorded also in Sweden and Norway.

Gyrfalcon Falco rusticola (9)

Three reocrds from early 1900’s. More recently seen seven times, four birds in April and one in September and October each.

*Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla (1)

One record: June 1995 Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary. Only ten birds recorded in Finland by the end of 2001.

Little Crake Porzana parva (10)

First record summer 1965 Kitee Juurikkajärvi two and after that from 1983 onwards records of 8 birds.

*Allen’s Gallinule Porphyrula alleni (1)

One record: May 1979 Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary. Only record for Finland. Species is breeding in Afrika south of Sahara. There are observations also at least from British Isles, Denmark and Germany.

*Demoiselle Crane Anthropides virgo (1)

One record: June 2001 Värtsilä.

*Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax (1)

One record: May 2002 Kitee Puhos.

Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta (4)

All records made in May: 1979 Outokumpu Vuonos, 1982 Lieksa Rauhala migrating and 1988 Joensuu Linnunlahti 2 migrating.

*Black-winged Pratincole Glareola nordmanni (1)

One record: August 1979 Kontiolahti Pitkäranta

*Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva (4)

First record: July 1977 Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary adult. Third record for Finland. During the strong invasion in September 1996 three juvenile birds were seen in Joensuu Paritsanlahti, Joensuu Linnunlahti and Pyhäselkä Mulo. In addition Pacific/American Golden Plover (Pluvialis fulva/dominica) October 1999 Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary.

Purple Sandpiper Calidris maritima (1)

One record: October 1998 in Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary.

*Baird’s Sandpiper Calidris bairdii (1)

One record: September 1973 Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary. Third record for Finland. Outside British Isles this species is quite rare in Europe.

*Buff-breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis (2)

Two records, possibly of the same bird: September 1991 Liperi Ahonkylä juvenile and September-October 1991 Joensuu Repokallio juvenile.

Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis (51)

First record in 1974 and after that seen yearly until 1986. In 1983 one and in 1984 two breeding pairs were found. After 1986 only 14 records even though elsewhere in Finland has increased in numbers. Most of the birds seen in May – early June.

Terek Sandpiper Xenux cinereus (43)

Appearing very much like Marsh Sandpiper: in 1970′ and 1980′ 2-6 birds a year, recently only 1-2 a year. Like in Marsh Sandpiper most birds seen in May – early June. Breeding confirmed in Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary 1967.

*Grey Phalarope Phalaropus fulicarius (1)

One record: shot in Lieksa in June 1909.

Long-tailed Skua Stercorarius longicaudus (6)

First record: June 1978 Tohmajärvi Uusi-Värtsilä. Of the other records two are made in May, one in July and two in September.

Glaucous Gull Larus hyperboreus (20)

Presumably regular but rare migrator in spring. All but two records between late Mars and May. All birds seen have been subadult or juvenile.

*Ivory Gull Pagophila eburnea (1)

One record: shot in Nurmes February 1903. Unusual weather conditions propably caused the bird to go astray same as Brunnich’s Guillemots in the same winter.

Sandwich Tern Sterna sandwichensis (1)

One record: May 1989 Lieksa Kevätlahti.

Caspian Tern Sterna caspia (37)

Nowadys seen almost yearly. Most birds seen in May.

Little Tern Sterna albifrons (5)

All records: July 1977 Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary, July 1985 Joensuu Ukonlahti 2, September 1998 and May 2000 Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary.

*Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus (1)

One record: June 1987 Kitee Päätyenlahti. Fifth record for Finland.

*White-winged Black Tern Chlidonias leucopterus (3)

All records: June 1976 Outokumpu Vuonos, May 2000 Polvijärvi Nisäjärvi and June 2001 Eno Rahkeenvesi.

Guillemot Uria aalge (9)

All records: November 1986 Rääkkylä Vuoniemi and May 1987 Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary eight birds migrating in a flock of Common Scoters.

*Brunnich’s Guillemot Uria lomvia (7)

An exceptionally harsh winter 1902/03 in the north caused the guillemots to invade south from ice-covered Arctic Ocean. In Finland observations were then made in 58 different places. At least seven birds were found also in North Karelia in November and December 1902. After that only four records from Finland.

Little Auk Alle alle (4)

Three times found dead in a fishing net: November 1970 Kitee Paasivesi, November 1977 Liperi Telmonselkä and November 1980 Lieksa Pielinen. In addition October 1998 one migrating in Rääkkylä Vuoniemi.

*Puffin Fratercula arctica (3)

First record 1962 Nurmes. A bird found in Tuupovaara in January 1983 died, but the one found in Liperi in January 2002 was transferred to Norway and released to the Atlantic.

*Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus (1)

One record: May-July 1998 Lieksa Savijärvi singing bird. First record for Finland and at the same time for whole of Western Europe. Presumably the same individual was in the area also in summer 1999 and 2000.

*Barn Owl Tyto alba (1)

One record: found dead in Lieksa 1963. Second record for Finland.

Snowy Owl Nyctea scandiaca (23)

Rare visitor from arctic areas usually in winter, but in 1992 an exceptional invasion when 12 birds were seen in summer.

Kingfisher Alcedo atthis (13)

One record from winter, otherwise between April and September. In recent years 1-2 obviously breeding pairs in Värtsilä.

Bee-eater Merops apiaster (18)

First record October 1985 Kiihtelysvaara Heinävaara. The latest autumn record in Finland. May 1995 two birds Kontiolahti center and May 2000 a group of 15 Liperi Kaatamo.

Roller Coracias garrulus (3)

All records: June 1965 Joensuu, July 1974 Kesälahti Rasti and May 1999 Värtsilä Sääperi.

Hoopoe Upupa epops (49)

Most birds seen in spring between late April – early June or late autumn September – October.

*Short-toed Lark Calandrella brachydactyla (5)

First records August-September 1970 Joensuu Linnunlahti. All records from April-May (3) or August-September (2).

*Calandra Lark Melanocorypha calandra (1)

One record: December 1993 Joensuu dump site. Sixth record for Finland.

*Black Lark Melanocorypha yeltoniensis (1)

One record: Mars 1989 Joensuu Linnunlahti male. First record for Finland. One of rarest birds ever seen in North Karelia, only one other record from Finland and very few from elsewhere in Europe.

*Red-rumped Swallow Hirundo daurica (1)

One record: May 2001 Tohmajärvi Peijonniemenlahti.

Richard’s Pipit Anthus richardii (9)

First record September 1986 Värtsilä Sääperi. Most birds seen in early September. No records after 1994.

Citrine Wagtail Motacilla citreola (11)

Rare visitor allthough is breeding in Russia not so far away. Most birds seen in August or early September, before 2001 only two records from spring. In 2001 a male was breeding in Värtsilä Sääperi with a Yellow Wagtail female and perhaps the same bird was seen in the area also next year.

Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea (5)

All records: May 1977 Out Sysmäjärvi, April 1978 Valtimo Nuolikoski, September 1989 Joensuu dump site, September 1989 Kitee Puhos and May 1997 Lip Siikakoski.

Red-flanked Bluetail Tarsiger cyanurus (22)

Only two records until year 1997 when ten birds were found. After that seen yearly. Earliest bird seen in mid-May, most between late May – late July.

Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros (12)

First record April 1979 Pyhäselkä Mulo. All birds seen in April-May or August-September. An exception was a juvenile found in Kontiolahti Selkie in July 1988 suggesting breeding somewhere near by.

Stonechat Saxiola torquata (17)

First record June 1968 Joensuu. In 1984-88 a male (in 1986 two) was staying in Joensuu Repokallio where also breeding with a female Whinchat was confirmed in 1986. Most of the records are from spring or summer, only four birds seen in autumn. All birds identified by the race have been of the eastern maura-race (Siberian Stonechat).

*Isabelline Wheatear Oenanthe isabellina (2)

All records: April-May 1979 Kontiolahti Iiksenniitty and September 1987 Värtsilä Sääperi. Second and third record for Finland.

*Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius (1)

One record: April 1997 Rääkkylä Majasaari. Second record for Finland.

*Black-throated Thrush Turdus ruficollis atrogularis (1)

One record: found in a freezer in Joensuu university autumn 1976! Time and place of death unknown.

*Lanceolated Warbler Locustella lanceolata (17)

First record August 1981 Värtsilä Sääperi (third for Finland). Expanding from the east. All records are of singing males in summer. Very late migrator, earliest bird seen on 18th of June.

*Savi’s Warbler Locustella luscinioides (4)

All records: May 1993 Liperi Mattisenlahti, June 1993 Valtimo Kalliojärvi, May-June 1995 Kitee Juurikkajärvi and May 1998 Liperi Hepolahti. All birds have been singing males.

*Paddyfield Warbler Acrocephalus agricola (2)

All records: May 1988 ringed at ringing station in Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary (seventh for Finland) and June 2000 Tohmajärvi Peijonniemenlahti (first singing male for Finland).

*Booted Warbler Hippolais caligata (42)

First record June 1986 Joensuu Iiksenniitty (third for Finland). After that has expanded even more rapidly than Lanceolated Warbler. In summer 2000 first breedings for western Europe were confirmed in Värtsilä Patsola where four adults and ten nestlings were also ringed. Very late migrator, first recordings in spring usually around June 10th even though the earliest bird has been seen on May 21st.

Barred Warbler Sylvia nisoria (6)

First record May 1982 Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary. One record in August, others in May-June.

Pallas’s Warbler Phylloscopus proregulus (11)

First record October 1982 Joensuu Sulkuniemi two birds. Four of the birds have been ringed at bird observatory in Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary. Two birds seen in late September, otherwise always in October.

Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus (27)

First record September 1983 Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary which is no doubt the best place for this species in North Karelia. 18 records are made in this area and 12 of these birds have been ringed at the observatory. Arrives earlier than Pallas’s Warbler: 23 records made in September and only four in October.

*Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis (1)

One record: August 1984 Lieksa Siikasuo adult male.

Bearded Tit Panurus biarmicus (28)

All records: December 1996 Outokumpu Sysmäjärvi two birds, November 1998 a strong invasion with 22 Bearded Tits seen in North Karelia and December 2000 Outokumpu Laikanlahti four birds.

*Marsh Tit Parus palustris (2)

One record: November 2001 – January 2002 Rääkkylä center two birds.

*Azure Tit Parus cyanus (5)

First record May-June 1973 Tohmajärvi Kirkkoniemi breeding pair. First record and at the same time first breeding record for Finland. Unfortynately breeding failed and 8 nestlings died. Other records: October 1973 Pyhäselkä Mulo, December 1975 – January 1976 Värtsilä Uusikylä and October 1976 Outokumpu Matovaara.

*Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor homeyeri (1)

One record: October 1998 adult ringed at ringing station in Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary. Third record for Finland of this subspecies living in Bulgaria, Ukraina and southern Russia.

Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor (5)

All records: July 1980 Värtsilä Sääperi, May 1987 Ilomantsi Lapiovaara, June-July 1987 Rääkkylä Oravilahti, August 1989 Värtsilä Sääperi and June 1991 Pyhäselkä Reijola.

*Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator (3)

All records: May 1961 Lieksa, June 1973 Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary and May 1981 Tuupovaara Öllölä.

*Rose-coloured Starling Sturnus roseus (4)

All records: June 1985 Lieksa Loukunkylä, May 1987 Joensuu Onttola, June 1994 Rääkkylä center and July 2000 Tuupovaara Kinnasniemi.

Serin Serinus serinus (3)

All records: May 1975 Joensuu Siihtala, May 1981 Eno Uimaharju and April 2001 Värtsilä Sääperi.

Twite Carduelis flavirostris (33)

Most birds seen on spring migration in April, only ten birds seen in autumn or winter.

Yellow-breasted Bunting Emberiza aureola (13)

This eastern bunting used to be abundant in North Karelia with tens of pairs breeding in 1970’s. In 1980’s population started to decrease and nowadays only a few birds are seen a year. Since the year 1996 13 records.

Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla (31)

1-3 birds seen in most years usually late May – early June. The species most propably breeds in North Karelia.

*Cretzschmar’s Bunting Emberiza caesia (1)

One record: May 1981 Lieksa Lampela adult male. First for Finland. Only one other record from Finland.

*Corn Bunting Miliaria calandra (2)

All records: April 1975 Tohmajärvi Nikuvaara and April 1981 Outokumpu Alavi. Decreasing of population in breeding areas in Baltic countries and southern Sweden has affected also the number of birds seen in Finland.

Species considered as escapes
Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis (1)

One record: July-August 1994 Lieksa Märäjälahti. First record for Finland. The bird was of the race coromandus living in India and thus considered as an escape.

Bar-headed Goose Anser indicus (1)

One record: May 2002 Liperi Papelonsaari.

Cinnamon Teal Anas cyanoptera (1)

May-June 2000 Joensuu Höytiäinen channel estuary summer plumage male. Only record for Finland.

Bufflehead Bucephala albeola (1)

One record: December 1987 Eno Ahveninen. Only record for Finland.