North Karelian Ornithological Society (PKLTY)
[in finnish: Pohjois-Karjalan Lintutieteellinen Yhdistys (PKLTY)]
North Karelian Ornithological Society was founded in 1974. The aim of the society is to promote birdwatching, research and protection of birds in the province of North Karelia. This includes systematic gathering, filing and publishing of bird observations, arranging meetings and excursions. Society, a partner of BirdLife Finland, has more than 200 members.
Journal of the society, Siipirikko, comes out two issues a year. The main centercontent of the journal are seasonal reports (spring and autumn migration, winter and summer birds, observations of rare birds, working of the ringing station), trip reports and bird protection issues. Society has also a bird observatory in Joensuu situated in the estuary of Höytiäinen canal (see below). Look birding areas of North Karelia on the map.