Earliest and latest records of migrating birds in North Karelia
Spring | Autumn | |
earliest | latest | |
Red-throated Diver | 21.4. | 6.1. |
Black-throated Diver | 21.4. | 28.12. |
Yellow-billed Diver | 25.5. | 1.12. |
Great Northern Diver | 27.4. | 13.10. |
Little Grebe | 29.3. | 27.12. |
Red-necked Grebe | 16.4. | 15.11. |
Great Crested Grebe | 13.4. | 28.12. |
Slavonian Grebe | 20.4. | 13.11. |
Cormorant | 26.3. | 31.12. |
Gannet | – | 17.11. |
Grey Heron | 10.4. | 9.10. |
Great White Egret | 29.4. | 2.10. |
Bittern | 8.4. | 14.10. |
Black Stork | 20.5. | 23.8. |
White Stork | 14.4. | 20.7. |
Mute Swan | 8.4. | 19.12. |
Whooper Swan | 11.2. | 31.12. |
Bewick’s Swan | 11.4. | 16.11. |
Bean Goose | 24.3. | 1.11. |
Pink-footed Goose | 16.4. | 19.9. |
White-fronted Goose | 4.4. | 10.12. |
Lesser White-fronted Goose | 27.4. | 12.10. |
Greylag Goose | 16.4. | 20.9. |
Anser sp. | – | 2.11. |
Canada Goose | 19.3. | 10.12. |
Barnacle Goose | 11.4. | 18.11. |
Brent Goose | 7.5. | 5.11. |
Red-breasted Goose | 23.5. | 16.11. |
Shelduck | 19.4. | 7.8. |
Wigeon | 2.4. | 27.12. |
American Wigeon | 24.4. | – |
Gadwall | 16.4. | 28.9. |
Teal | 22.3. | 31.12. |
Mallard | 11.3. | 14.12. |
Pintail | 9.4. | 6.11. |
Garganey | 13.4. | 13.10. |
Shoveler | 13.4. | 1.12. |
Red-crested Pochard | 28.4. | 20.9. |
Pochard | 10.4. | 11.12. |
Tufted Duck | 11.4. | 20.12. |
Scaup | 24.4. | 20.12. |
Common Eider | 1.5. | 24.10. |
King Eider | 25.4. | 6.11. |
Somateria sp. | – | 5.12. |
Steller’s Eider | 24.4. | 30.1. |
Long-tailed Duck | 23.4. | 30.12. |
Common Scoter | 16.4. | 22.12. |
Velvet Scoter | 21.4. | 21.12. |
Goldeneye | 8.3. | 14.12. |
Smew | 10.4. | 7.12. |
Red-breasted Merganser | 4.4. | 25.12. |
Goosander | 19.2. | 27.12. |
Osprey | 4.4. | 18.10. |
Honey Buzzard | 17.4. | 3.10. |
Black Kite | 12.4. | 16.9. |
Red Kite | 25.4. | – |
White-tailed Eagle | 10.3. | 7.1. |
Hen Harrier | 25.3. | 21.12. |
Pallid Harrier | 21.4. | 12.9. |
Montague’s Harrier | 1.5. | 8.9. |
Marsh Harrier | 5.4. | 20.9. |
Sparrow Hawk | 6.3. | 28.11. |
Goshawk | 13.3. | 8.12. |
Common Buzzard | 5.3. | 22.12. |
Rough-legged Buzzard | 26.3. | 12.11. |
Long-legged Buzzard | 11.5. | – |
Lesser Spotted Eagle | 27.4. | 9.10. |
Spotted Eagle | 26.4. | 26.10. |
Steppe Eagle | 30.4. | – |
Golden Eagle | 27.2. | 12.12. |
Kestrel | 18.3. | 4.11. |
Red-footed Falcon | 22.4. | 11.9. |
Merlin | 6.3. | 25.12. |
Hobby | 20.4. | 7.11. |
Gyrfalcon | 12.4. | 30.10. |
Peregrine | 7.4. | 18.10. |
Saker | 29.4. | – |
Quail | 25.5. | 28.11. |
Common Crane | 23.3. | 10.11. |
Water Rail | 20.4. | 21.9. |
Corncrake | 4.5. | 24.8. |
Little Crake | 26.5. | – |
Spotted Crake | 28.4. | 23.9. |
Moorhen | 11.4. | 30.8. |
Coot | 17.3. | 11.11. |
Oystercatcher | 18.4. | 11.10. |
Avocet | 18.5. | – |
Lapwing | 11.3. | 4.11. |
Golden Plover | 4.4. | 18.10. |
Pacific Golden Plover | – | 21.9. |
Pacific/ American Golden Pl. |
– | 9.10. |
Grey Plover | 9.5. | 2.11. |
Pluvialis sp. | – | 29.10. |
Ringed Plover | 16.4. | 19.10. |
Little Ringed Plover | 13.4. | 26.9. |
Dotterel | 19.5. | 24.9. |
Black-tailed Godwit | 17.4. | 7.8. |
Bar-tailed Godwit | 30.4. | 3.10. |
Whimbrel | 13.4. | 11.9. |
Curlew | 3.4. | 4.11. |
Spotted Redshank | 11.4. | 29.9. |
Redshank | 16.4. | 15.9. |
Marsh Sandpiper | 1.5. | 30.7. |
Greenshank | 13.4. | 18.9. |
Green Sandpiper | 8.4. | 15.9. |
Wood Sandpiper | 18.4. | 29.9. |
Terek Sandpiper | 10.5. | 10.7. |
Common Sandpiper | 12.4. | 5.11. |
Turnstone | 6.5. | 27.9. |
Red-necked Phalrobe | 18.5. | 23.9. |
Woodcock | 24.3. | 18.11. |
Great Snipe | 30.4. | 12.10. |
Common Snipe | 6.4. | 3.11. |
Jacksnipe | 13.4. | 28.10. |
Knot | 20.5. | 3.10. |
Sanderling | 20.5. | 11.10. |
Little Stint | 14.5. | 18.10. |
Temmink’s Stint | 2.5. | 28.9. |
Baird’s Stint | – | 1.9. |
Dunlin | 19.4. | 24.10. |
Curlew Sandpiper | 22.5. | 12.10. |
Purple Sandpiper | – | 11.10. |
Broad-billed Sandpiper | 13.5. | 5.9. |
Ruff | 22.4. | 12.10. |
Buff-breasted Sandpiper | – | 5.10. |
Pomarine Skua | 13.5. | 16.11. |
Arctic Skua | 11.5. | 31.10. |
Long-tailed Skua | 17.5. | 8.9. |
Stercorarius sp. | 19.4. | – |
Spring | Autumn | |
earliest | latest | |
Common Gull | 1.4. | 10.12. |
Herring Gull | 15.2. | 3.1. |
Lesser Black-backed Gull | 29.3. | 25.10. |
Great Black-backed Gull | 5.3. | 10.12. |
Glaucous Gull | 24.3. | 5.11. |
Black-headed Gull | 18.3. | 6.12. |
Little Gull | 16.4. | 28.10. |
Kittiwake | 16.4. | 12.11. |
Black Tern | 8.5. | 3.8. |
Caspian Tern | 1.5. | 5.9. |
Common Tern | 16.4. | 28.9. |
Arctic Tern | 1.5. | 13.8. |
Little Tern | 28.5. | 4.9. |
Sandwich Tern | 26.5. | – |
Little Auk | – | 17.11. |
Guillemot | 29.5. | 8.11. |
Stock Dove | 11.3. | 13.10. |
Wood Pigeon | 21.3. | 8.11. |
Turtur Dove | 4.5. | 10.12. |
Collared Dove | 30.3. | 2.1. |
Cuckoo | 23.4. | 28.9. |
Oriental Cuckoo | 23.5. | – |
Long-eared Owl | 21.2. | 12.12. |
Short-eared Owl | 6.4. | 31.10. |
Nightjar | 20.4. | 18.9. |
Swift | 30.4. | 31.10. |
Kingfisher | 10.4. | 1.1. |
Roller | 29.5. | 28.7. |
Hoopoe | 21.4. | 30.11. |
Bee-eater | 18.5. | 7.10. |
Wryneck | 22.4. | 18.9. |
Short-toed Lark | 20.4. | 19.9. |
Calandra Lark | – | 8.12. |
Wood Lark | 28.3. | 6.11. |
Skylark | 26.2. | 9.12. |
Shore Lark | 29.3. | 24.12. |
Sand Martin | 26.4. | 17.9. |
Swallow | 30.3. | 28.10. |
Red-rumped Swallow | 24.5. | – |
House Martin | 17.4. | 11.10. |
Yellow Wagtail | 20.4. | 29.10. |
Citrine Wagtail | 7.5. | 12.9. |
Grey Wagtail | 18.4. | 24.9. |
Wagtail | 25.3. | 14.12. |
Richard’s Pipit | – | 10.10. |
Meadow Pipit | 28.3. | 30.11. |
Tree Pipit | 13.4. | 12.10. |
Red-throated Pipit | 26.4. | 4.10. |
Red-backed Shrike | 2.5. | 20.10. |
Red-backed/Isabelline Shrike | – | 5.11. |
Lesser Grey Shrike | 24.5. | 6.8. |
Great Grey Shrike | 8.3. | 27.12. |
Woodchat Shrike | 4.5. | – |
Wren | 31.3. | 3.12. |
Dunnock | 5.4. | 20.10. |
Robin | 18.3. | 24.12. |
Trush Nightingale | 4.5. | 3.8. |
Bluethroat | 25.4. | 16.10. |
Red-flanked Bluetail | 17.5. | – |
Black Redstart | 11.4. | 18.9. |
Redstart | 22.4. | 26.10. |
Whinchat | 21.4. | 11.11. |
Stonechat | 3.4. | 5.11. |
Wheatear | 9.4. | 3.11. |
Isabelline Wheatear | 30.4. | 5.9. |
Blue Rock Thrush | 5.4. | – |
Ring Ouzel | 19.4. | 17.10. |
Blackbird | 9.3. | 29.11. |
Fieldfare | 1.3. | 8.12. |
Redwing | 24.3. | 20.12. |
Song Thrush | 6.4. | 23.11. |
Mistle Thrush | 1.4. | 2.12. |
Lanceolated Warbler | 18.6. | 4.8. |
Grasshopper Warbler | 17.5. | 7.9. |
River Warbler | 15.5. | – |
Savi’s Warbler | 18.5. | – |
Sedge Warbler | 1.5. | 7.10. |
Reed Warbler | 17.5. | 17.9. |
Marsh Warbler | 21.5. | 13.10. |
Blyth’s Reed Warbler | 17.5. | 16.8. |
Great Reed Warbler | 18.5. | – |
Paddyfield Warbler | 24.5. | – |
Booted Warbler | 21.5. | 30.7. |
Icterine Warbler | 15.5. | 22.8. |
Willow Warbler | 22.4. | 18.10. |
Chiffchaff | 7.4. | 4.12. |
Wood Warbler | 22.4. | 22.9. |
Pallas’s Warbler | – | 23.10. |
Yellow-browed Warbler | – | 21.10. |
Arctic Warbler | 2.6. | 21.8. |
Greenish Warbler | 14.5. | 11.10. |
Blackcap | 10.5. | 19.12. |
Garden Warbler | 12.5. | 13.10. |
Whitethroat | 1.5. | 26.9. |
Lesser Whitethroat | 27.4. | 5.10. |
Barred Warbler | 20.5. | 24.8. |
Spotted Flycatcher | 4.5. | 16.10. |
Pied Flycatcher | 18.4. | 30.10. |
Red-breasted Flycatcher | 26.4. | 18.9. |
Corn Bunting | 9.4. | – |
Ortolan Bunting | 21.4. | 27.9. |
Little Bunting | 30.5. | 23.10. |
Rustic Bunting | 15.4. | 23.10. |
Yellow-browed Bunting | 24.5. | 22.8. |
Reed Bunting | 28.3. | 18.12. |
Lapland Bunting | 25.3. | 26.10. |
Snow Bunting | 11.2. | 30.12. |
Chaffinch | 1.3. | 22.12. |
Brambling | 28.3. | 28.12. |
Serin | 1.5. | – |
Siskin | 28.2. | 9.11. |
Goldfinch | 16.3. | 28.12. |
Linnet | 11.3. | 15.12. |
Twite | 29.3. | 18.12. |
Common Rosefinch | 27.4. | 14.9. |
Rose-coloured Starling | 30.5. | 4.8. |
Starling | 3.3. | 27.12. |
Golden Oriole | 10.5. | 10.9. |
Rook | 1.3. | 27.12. |